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Our services

Writing and editing is our core, and there are many tasks in a modern business that require a deft writing hand and editing mind. But that’s not all we do.

Writing and editing | Information design | SEO | Instructional videos | AI-bot integration | Consulting

Writing and editing

Policies, processes and procedures

We work with subject matter experts to write and edit or amend policies, processes and procedures, including system documentation.

Quick reference guides, process maps, brochures, posters, presentations and more

We engage designers to create visuals that we convert into Word templates for quick reference material, long-form documents, specifications sheets, process maps, brochures, posters, presentations and more.

Digital copywriting

We write digital copy for SMS and email ad campaigns, for online help and support articles, and for intranets and company websites.

Remediation correspondence

  • We manage remediation communication, from copy through to data management, content coding, testing and publication.
  • We update system specifications and coding for standard letter/email changes.

Governance, styles and standards

We participate in setting governance rules, and establish writing styles and standards for teams to follow.

Information design

Standard letter/email/SMS libraries

Many systems output automatic correspondence. Many don’t manage their content library well. When we’re involved, we’ll:

  • create an architecture that accounts for content items in each customer journey
  • create a process for managing content when systems, regulations or processes change
  • create templates, governance rules and methods to handover to the business so internal writers can manage the work in the future.
  • version content when things change to manage compliance, especially in highly regulated industries like super and enregy
  • build changes into the system where the system allows it, and be involved in testing.

Forms design

When working on large system implementations, like SuccessFactors recruitment, onboarding and payroll, we use our information design skills to redesign paper forms into system forms, and reimagine existing uploadable forms. We gather information about what’s working or not with the current version and look for opportunities to make things easier to complete and manage, and eliminate duplcation.

We also create fillable forms using Adobe Acrobat.

Search engine optimisation

We use SEO reports to tweak web copy to close SEO gaps and improve discoverability. We find the balance between bot requests and what human readers’ need to keep the copy readable and relevant.

Instructional videos

Script writing and video screencasts

We create short how-to videos to support training, especially for new system implementations. During the process we’ll:

  • learn the system
  • script the content
  • arrange visuals
  • capture the screen cast
  • create the audio
  • produce the files
  • arrange sign off and pubishing, including transcripts.

AI-bot integration

If you have an AI-bot, we can clean up your old content and help feed your bot with customer answers or snippets for better results. We can also look at your customer queries to see if it might be worth setting up bot workflows.


Content strategy

Do you have aging content that presents problems for customers and staff? Or a new system or process coming online that’s likely to change your content or upset the status quo? Engaging a content specialist for a short term may be what you need to work through issues and opportunities, and to determine your next steps.